Tag: meme

Weekly MEME

Rachel Simon, aka Intern Awesome, created the MEME below. And, because we are just too cute for words, we both answered the questions and posted them on our blogs the same day! I know! We’re wearing matching jumpers too. Check out Rachel’s here.

1. What was the first thing you wrote?

The first thing I remember writing was this story about a kidnapped girl. You can read more about this masterpiece in my Long Bio here.

2. What was the last thing you wrote?

Last night, I added three pages to my WIP.

3. Are you a pantser or a plotter?

I plan out a lot of the story in my head and then write a little summary. As I get more ideas, I’ll add them to my summary so I don’t forget them. But I don’t outline. I HATE outlines.

4. What is your favorite genre to write in?

Contemporary YA. I like calling it realistic fiction, though, as that’s what it was called when I was a teen. My favorite authors were Norma Klein and Norma Fox Mazer.

5. What is your favorite genre to read?

Realistic fiction, YA or adult.

6. Who is your favorite author? Why?

I like many but I have to go with the Normas from number 4. What they did for teen literature was invaluable. I think their style was beautiful and the themes groundbreaking.

7. What is/are your favorite book(s)?

There are so many, so I will list a few and then add when more pop into my head.






8. What is the hardest thing for you to write?

If we’re talking strictly genre, I’m going with fantasy, especially high concept fantasy.

9. Does music influence your writing?

Nope. In fact, and I’m probably in the minority, but listening to music while writing distracts me. Music does influence my characters, though. I like thinking about what they may be listening to.

10. Do you have a playlist for your current (or past) work, and what songs/artists are on it? If you do not, what *would* be on it?

I really should create one for my book, but I just don’t think in these terms when I write. I like music, I like songs and have favorite artists, but that’s about it.