Writing MEME

It’s hump day again! And in honor of Writing Wednesday, below is a writing MEME I found on Marianne Arkins’s blog.

What’s Your Writing Style?

1. Are you a “pantser” or a “plotter”?Whenever I see this question, “plotter” always seems to refer to a written outline, notecards, etc., and “pantser” seems to mean you just sit down and write with no thought as to what’s to come. I think most people are a combo of both. At least I am. I plot in my head–get an idea for characters, story, setting. Sometimes I jot a few notes so I don’t forget what’s to come or where I think I’m heading overall. Then I write.

2. Detailed character sketches or “their character will be revealed to me as I write”?Definitely the second one. I have some idea of my characters–mainly their goals and basic plot–but find out more as I write. In my current WIP, for example, I had this one idea of an MC but just a few days ago he surprised me. His evolution completely makes sense and works with the story, but I wouldn’t have pegged it happening when I started.

3. Books on plotting – useful or harmful? They can be both, depending on who you are. If you have trouble with plotting and need them as a reference or are interested in different ways of plotting, by all means use them. However, if you’re the type who changes his/her writing style at whim and flit from book to book whenever you’re stuck (rather than exploring what’s not working), I can see these books being problematic. Although, I guess it’s not the books that are the problem then, right?

4. Are you a procrastinator or does the itch to write keep at you until you sit down and work? Both.

5. Do you write in short bursts of creative energy, or can you sit down and write for hours at a time? I write when I have the time. Being home with a 2.5 year old all day is all about finding a half hour once he’s asleep or a few hours on an afternoon with a sitter, or longer spans on weekends. Whenever I can.

6. Are you a morning or afternoon writer? See above.

7. Do you write with music/the noise of children/in a cafe or other public setting, or do you need complete silence to concentrate? I usually write better when it’s total quiet, but I can handle Panera’s provided there are no super loud people in the tables next to me.

8. Computer or longhand? (or typewriter?) Usually computer, but when I’m stuck, I do longhand too. Switching mediums like this helps free my brain and the words flow easier.

9. Do you know the ending before you type Chapter One? In my current WIP, I do. In INCONVENIENT, I thought I did, but it underwent so many revisions that the current ending is not what I first had in mind. But I like it so much better. 🙂 However, I do always know the gist—like will it end well or badly. How exactly—word for word—no.

10. Does what’s selling in the market influence how and what you write? Not at all. I get a story in my head and go from there. Trends come and go and to try to meet those demands, rather than write what you love, is silly and unproductive.

11. Editing – love it or hate it? I like editing other people’s works more than my own, mainly because it’s easier to see what’s working and what’s not when you’re removed from the book. However, once someone points out where the main issues are, I can move on the manuscript and enjoy the revisions (especially if I’m reworking scenes I love) once I get going.


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