The Unresolution Post

I don’t like New Year’s resolutions. Never have. The only reason I ever made them at all was to please English teachers who loved making this a journal entry because they ran out of all other ideas. I don’t blame them. I get it. When I taught, I was totally burnt out by winter vacation too. After high school, I made resolutions because everyone else was. To others, this whole resolution thing seemed so meaningful and inspirational, like it would make them better people to accomplish these things. Which would have been OK, if that’s what resolutions really did. But most people I knew made resolutions just to break them. They’d even say–after eating a whole tub of ice cream a week after their “must diet” resolution, or running an hour late after vowing to be more punctual–“Oh well. Who keeps these anyway?” And then, instead of hopping back on the treadmill or setting their alarm clock, they’d give up until the following year when they’d “really try to do it this time” only to scrap the whole resolution list three days later.

So I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. Maybe it’s the phrase, implying it’s for that year only, that bugs me. Maybe it’s the association I’ve made with it. Maybe it’s the deal with so many people failing at their resolutions, expecting others to fail too, that rubs me the wrong way. I hate failing at stuff (which is another entry altogether). Whatever it is, I will not make “resolutions.” I do, however, make “goals.” These can be accomplished this year, next, whenever. They’re flexible and no one brags about breaking their goals. Below are some professional and personal ones. What are yours?

Professional Goals:

1. Write down the marketing plan for INCONVENIENT that has been in my head for months. Write down a little each day/week, so it’s not overwhelming. Try not to get all nauseous each time I hear the word “marketing.”

2. Update this blog 1-2 times a week at least. Continue to make it all I envision with fantastic author interviews, a place for writerly talk and support and more. (Want a hint of what’s to come? Here are some awesome interviews I have lined up: Fellow ABLAer Jay Asher, Terrific Tenner Josh Berk, Awesome Fluxian A.S. King, Fab Agent Jennifer Laughran, and more!!)

3. Give my intern Rachel Simon more work to do so she can create a fantabulous resume! 🙂

4. Finish MG by summer 2010 so Fab Agent above can read it, love it, and sell it

5. And more….I figure I’ll leave this open and just add as things come into my head

Personal Goals:

1. Chill more. Obsess less.

2. Get back into exercising as it helps calm me and makes me less antsy and, therefore, makes it easier to do Personal Goal #1.

3. Be more confident and less neurotic.

4. Learn to say “thank you” when people give me a compliment, rather than variations of  “Thanks, but it’s not really that good” or “Thanks, but I think these jeans make me look fat.”

5. Surround myself with positive people.

6. If I believe in something, own it, and stop worrying about what others think.

7. Continue having fun with my family, journaling for my son, enjoying the little things, and just being, living, laughing. As Sheryl Crow sang, “If it makes you happy, it can’t be that bad.” Focus on all that makes me happy.

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