Rolling with it

The last few weeks have been crazy. Teething, cold, abandoning nap time. I was stressed out to the max. Then, after having a tantrum myself because I was exhausted and Little Guy (LG) still wouldn’t nap, I decided things were going to change. Nothing major. I wasn’t going to force him because at 2.5, not all kids nap anymore, and without a nap, he went down at night way easier and way earlier. No, the change didn’t have anything to do with him, really. It was all about me. I decided to accept it.

I accepted that I will now have to make time for myself in another way, at other times. I accepted that if I thought I would be writing or resting or watching TV during his nap, these things would have to be accomplished later (although is watching OTH an accomplishment? Um, no). I accepted that now our afternoons would be different  and that I would roll with what happened.

It’s a mindset, sure, but it works for me. I’m not wondering will he nap or won’t he. Will I write or won’t I? Will I get this or that done and what if I don’t? There’s no playing catch up. It just is.

And I realized that sometimes that’s all you can do. Just roll with it. As long as everything gets done, does it matter when? If I’m stressing about a scene, a chapter, a whole project, what does the stressing and questioning do exactly besides drive me crazy? (In case you want an answer, in my case it just drives me crazy. :-)) So why spend days obsessing and freaking out and thinking about what I’m not doing.

Currently, I can’t think of a way to end a scene and my WIP has been on hold for 1+ weeks. Today I decided to just move forward with another scene and go back to that stumper one. A logical thing, right? Something I should have just done 2 weeks ago, no? Sure, but my head wasn’t in it. I hadn’t accepted that it was ok to just move on yet.

Now I have, and that has made all the difference.

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