The Art of Balancing

This rounds blog chain question was posted by Lisa. Unfortunately, it’s her last and we’ll miss her! As her parting question, she asks:

“The balancing act. How do you balance your writing time with everything else in your life–including, kids, job, book promotion?”

When I first saw this topic, my heart sank. I imagined all the other chainers writing about how they had everything under control, how they carved out time in the wee hours of the morning or late hours at night to write, how if writing was important to you, you just did it. Then, I read everyone else’s posts, and I felt a lot better. Why? Because I’m not the only one who has trouble with balancing it all.

When I left my job to write full time, I was the balancing queen. My friends and acquaintances talked about how they couldn’t do what I did because it took self-discipline, and it made me feel so good. I had self-discipline! I was awesome! Go me! I could carve out time in my day and make it work! Hurrah! Then, I had my son, and people still said, “Wow. How do you do it?” And little sleep deprived me felt even better. Here I was on 3 hours of sleep a night and I was WRITING. Every day! My little guy did take long naps–albeit only on top of me–but hey, I had one free hand and typed, typed, typed. And I thought I was superwoman. I’m a mom! I’m a wife! I have dinner for all! And I’m writing! Fetch me my cape!

Before you vomit thinking I still have things under control, let me fast-forward five years. My kid entered Kindergarten this year. I started working full time. Ask me how much time I have for writing now. Go ahead, ask. It will make you feel better. Here’s a hint: the superhero police came for my cape. Ah, but the joke’s on them because I told them I no longer had it. It’s really hidden in my closet, but don’t tell them. It’s a nice memory of when I thought I could do it all.

Yes, I can have time at night once my little guy goes to bed, but I’m exhausted. Yes, instead of vegging and watching TV and exercising (I try to put these together because lord knows there’s no time for both and a pox on anyone who makes me give up How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory), I can write, but my brain is so fried. I DO bring my notebook to work and jot things down when I have a few mintues. I also decided to give myself at least 2 hours every weekend to focus on writing. It’s hard. I wish I had a better answer. I wish I could get up at 5:30 every morning and write. Since September, I’ve done it twice. Yeah, go me. This week, both my son and I are off so I booked a sitter for 3 hours. I’m also off from tutoring so those hours will go to writing. All I gotta say is that I better make some good progress this week.

Someone said something about not beating yourself up for not being able to balance everything. I should try that. I WILL try that. But, honestly, I so miss my cape.

For more stories of the balancing life, check out Amparo post from yesterday, then go back to Kate to catch up on any you’ve missed and get the first post of the new chain. My topic!




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