Blog Chain: Give Books A Chance

Today’s blog chain is brought to you by Shaun.

He asks: “What are three books you would tell people that they need to keep reading even if they aren’t immediately sucked in by the first page?”

I think this is a great topic, but I’m having a lot of trouble with the question. When Shaun first posted, I looked at the blog chain schedule and breathed a sigh of relief because I had two-and-a-half weeks to think of answer. However, each day did not bring me closer to having one. The thing is, I’m THAT person–the one who just won’t give books a chance if I’m not drawn in immediately. I wasn’t always this way. I’d plug along, put a book down, but then pick it back up. I did give up sometimes, but not until I had read at least fifty pages. Then, four years ago, I had my son. And began revisions on my first book. Then did more revisions. Then continued to stay home with my son. And not sleep for two years (no joke–the first time my little guy slept 5 straight hours at night he was almost two). Then, my book sold and more revisions (which included cutting 20K words). And life kept going. When I had time to relax and read (usually on long car trips), I picked books that were a sure-win. Ones I knew I’d like. I made lists of authors whose styles I admired or those recommended by friends. Or even just silly, feel-good reads. And that’s when I noticed something. I’d read a page, two, three, and my eyes would glaze over. But…but…but…this is supposed to be a good book, I’d tell myself. Keep at it, girl. And I tried. I really tried. I made myself give the book ten pages. Sometimes, I’d be rewarded and the book would pick up at that point. More often than not, it wouldn’t. Somewhere, I lost the will to give the poor books a chance.

Honestly? I know it’s a problem. I know I’m missing out on tons of great books out there. But at this point in my life, it’s just how it is. Last week, I started teaching my first college class. The week before that, 3 Sunday school classes to middle and high-schoolers. All require prep and planning and innovative ideas so I don’t bore these poor students. And, I just finished working on a manuscript with a friend of mine, and starting copy edits on Pieces of Us. And I’m still a stay-at-home mom too. Other people with as much on their plates or more have it in them to befriend these books. To not judge them on their first encounters. I wish I could too, but one good thing that came out of this development is that the books I love and connect with, I REALLY love and connect with. They’re like the kinds of good friends that you’re not quite sure how you met, but you know you connected immediately. They’re those friends that make life simple, that you can just hang with and not have to impress. The books I enjoy from the start let me escape immediately, make me smile, and help destress. What more can you ask for in a good book?

Some of you probably DO want more, so if you’re the perseverant type when it comes to books, check out Tere’s post and then read through the rest of the chain for more recommended reads.

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