Tenner Tuesday with Jennifer R. Hubbard

Thanks for joining me in another Tenner Tuesday installment. Today we have Jennifer R. Hubbard, author of THE SECRET YEAR (Viking). To find out more about Jennifer and her projects, visit her at www.jenniferhubbard.com.

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1. I always enjoy reading your writing advice on your blog. What are your three best tips for writers—experienced or starting out?

Thank you! 1) Read a lot. 2) Write a lot. 3) Do lots of other stuff, so you have something to write about.

Yes, I realize that will make for a very busy life!


2. What are your experiences with publication so far? Any surprises?

From my own experience, and from knowing other writers, I’ve seen how often titles change between acquisition and publication. That surprised me. My own title changed from BLACK MOUNTAIN ROAD to THE SECRET YEAR.


3. Re writing, getting an agent, or publication, complete this sentence. “If I knew then, what I know now, I would have_____________________.”

That’s actually a hard sentence to finish, since I learned a lot from joining debut-author groups and seeing what my fellow authors went through in 2009. I got a sense of the general timeline from them, of what to prepare and when, what to expect and what not to expect. I can’t say enough good things about the Classes of 2k9 and 2k10, and Debut2009 and the Tenners.


4. Describe your writing process. Outlines or not? Plot first or characters? How does everything come together for you?

I can’t start writing until I have a character’s voice. Then I look for a plot, and I get a vague idea of that plot, but I mostly just let it flow. During revisions, I do an outline to help with the macro-level plot and pacing. I make countless passes through my manuscripts: ad nauseam, almost.


5. What’s your favorite part of writing (anything from brainstorming to revision)?

I love when everything’s clicking, when I feel like I’ve found the perfect word or phrase, when I solve a problem with a scene—those moments when writing feels easy for a few minutes, when I have the illusion that I know what I’m doing!


6. Have you thought about Colt since you finished THE SECRET YEAR? Where do you see his life going or what do you hope for him?

Colt has been in my head for years. I have a sense of what happens to him after the final page of THE SECRET YEAR. Someone on the Book Addict’s forum asked me if I thought he would move forward from the point of that last scene, or whether he would stay in an emotional limbo. I think he moves forward; I think he’s ready to.

But mostly, I like to hear what readers think will happen to him.


7. I find your writing style very poetic. Do you write poetry as well?

At this point, when I write poetry it’s for fun, or as an exercise. I wouldn’t call myself a poet. I have written literary short stories for years, however, including flash fiction. I think there are issues of rhythm and word choice that are common to poetry and flash fiction.


8. What’s next for you? Can you tell us about any upcoming projects?

I’m working on more contemporary YA fiction. I’m not at the point yet where I can talk specifics.


9. This question is all you. Anything you’ve always wished someone would ask?

“Jennifer, will you accept this generous writing grant?” That’s what I wish someone would ask! 😉

Thanks for hosting me!

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