Blog Chain: Dear Villain

Keeping in theme with the loveydoviness of this week, this round’s blog chain was started by Amparo. She asks,

Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner, I think it’s only appropriate to pay homage to those we love. But instead of our better halves, family members, and friends, this blog chain will be all about loving the haters:write a love letter to your favorite literary villain/villain-ish character. It can be short, long, serious, funny. You can use song lyrics or poems instead. Choice is totally yours 🙂

I love the idea of writing to a villain, and here is a letter to one of my faves. Be sure to check out Tere’s before me and Jon’s next.


My dearest Gargamel,

As a child, my sister and I watched you every Saturday morning while you pondered and planned for yet a new way to destroy the smurfs. A part of you detested their jolly, smurfy demeanors (which I get; I mean how can things be smurfy all the time?), and another just wanted to eat them. It’s the latter emotion that confused me. Why? Why did you think they would be tasty? To each his own, of course, but then you had to get poor Azrael into it. I think your motives confounded her too. After all, why would a cat want to eat a smurf?!

The thing is, dear Gargamel, your frustration amused me. There you would be trying to create one contraption after another, only to be foiled again. After a while I started to wonder if you were sabotaging yourself on purpose. Don’t feel bad. You wouldn’t be the first to fall for the prey. But what else could I think? Every time you’d catch smurf, you’d spend precious minutes muttering threats when you could have just eaten it there on the spot.

I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day, Gargamel. And don’t give up hope. One day you’ll get to taste the smurfy ones–that is if you really want to. If you want to know the truth, though, I think it’s all an act. They need an enemy; you happen to be it. You can let the idea go and just be friends with them. I won’t tell anyone. Promise.

Your friend,



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